Simple-Serve Standing Prime Rib Roasts (7 Rib)


These beautiful and magnificent standing prime rib roasts can serve a small army of hungry anticipatory diners with ease! For bone-infused added rich flavor and simple serving the ribs are carefully removed and then tied and netted back together with the meat for a distinguished and succulent roast that is supremely flavorful and is easier to carve and serve after it is roasted.

Item #300 18-20# average size Easy-Serve Standing Prime Rib Roast

We will also take custom orders to make an Easy-Serve Standing Prime Rib Roast with however many ribs you may need (a 4-Rib Roast on average weighs about 9 to 10 pounds and can usually serve 6-8 people) delivered fresh or flash-frozen to your doorstep! Call 920-674-3540 for details and to help you order the sizes you might need or want and then we can set a safe delivery time to your doorstep. Calling ahead 10 days before your event is greatly appreciated.


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